Monday 13 October 2014

Narrative paragraph - power of love

I am going to explore the narrative in the music video ‘the power of love’, the lyric of ‘dreams are like angels ‘shows suggestion that angles keep the bad away from the good, form of a metaphor as this evidently doesn’t happen. ‘I’m so in love with you’, the artist of Birdy is demonstrating her emotion, being in love with someone is a very deep and honourable feeling which moves on to her saying making ‘love your goal’ the idea of the word ‘goal’ is the idea of winning something, scoring and being extremely happy. The artist suggests that you should make love your goal discussing you should make love something worth winning, scoring. ‘Purging your soul’ could explain that the word ‘purge’ is associated with getting rid of someone, of an unwanted feeling and emotion, memory or condition. The song repeats the sentence about making love your goal in the chorus this suggests that she wants the idea of making love your dream to be the main storyline.

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