Tuesday 14 October 2014

Genre paragraph

Genre is a means of categorising different texts and being able to place them in a particular group based on codes and conventions as well as producer/audience relationships. My A2 production of a music video is generally associated with pop music. The sterotypical convetions with pop music are videos such as Beyonce, this is due to the style of videos which she creates - by this it is followed by the way which she displays herself through editing camera, mise en scene and sound.
Essentially, music video is a platform or genre in itself yet what I may classify as a subgenre could be considered as a super genre by others. Therefore genre has no boundaries and by breaking conventions, this can be seen as either raising the threshold of what’s considered generally acceptable or creating a new genre entirely.

Monday 13 October 2014

Narrative paragraph - power of love

I am going to explore the narrative in the music video ‘the power of love’, the lyric of ‘dreams are like angels ‘shows suggestion that angles keep the bad away from the good, form of a metaphor as this evidently doesn’t happen. ‘I’m so in love with you’, the artist of Birdy is demonstrating her emotion, being in love with someone is a very deep and honourable feeling which moves on to her saying making ‘love your goal’ the idea of the word ‘goal’ is the idea of winning something, scoring and being extremely happy. The artist suggests that you should make love your goal discussing you should make love something worth winning, scoring. ‘Purging your soul’ could explain that the word ‘purge’ is associated with getting rid of someone, of an unwanted feeling and emotion, memory or condition. The song repeats the sentence about making love your goal in the chorus this suggests that she wants the idea of making love your dream to be the main storyline.


Monday 6 October 2014

Lyric Analysis

Modern vs postmodern


What was Modernism?
As we know, each discourse concerned with history constructs its own historical objects. Postmodern theory constructs an image of modernism. Was there ever a pre-postmodern consensus about history, identity, core cultural values?

the idea of the postmodern or post modernity as anhistorical condition or position (political/ economic/ social), an era we're still supposedly in regardless of anyone's state of awareness.
Uses of the term "postmodern"
after modernismsubsumes, assumes, extends the modern or tendencies already present in modernism, not necessarily in strict chronological succession, or working out questions and problems implicit in modernism without a break from core assumptions
contra modernismsubverting, resisting, opposing, or countering features of modernism
equivalent to "late capitalism"culture dominated by post-industrial, consumerist, multi- and trans-national capitalism, beginnings of globalization
the historical era following the modernan historical time-period marker, recognizing cultural, ideological, and economic shifts without a new trajectory (triumphalism) or privileging of values
artistic and stylistic eclecticism (aesthetic postmodernism)hybridization of forms and genres, combining "high" and "low" cultural forms and sources, mixing styles of different cultures or time periods, dehistoricizing and re-contextualizing styles in architecture, visual arts, literature, film, photography
"global village" phenomena: globalization of cultures, races, images, capital, products"information age" redefinition of nation-state identities, which were the foundation of the modern era; dissemination of images and information across national boundaries, a sense of erosion or breakdown of national, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural identities; a sense of a global mixing of cultures on a scale unknown to pre-information era societies.
Some features of postmodern styles:

Nostalgia and retro styles, recycling earlier genres and styles in new contexts (film/TV genres, images, typography, colors, clothing and hair styles, advertising images)

"History" represented through nostalgic images of pop culture, fantasies of the past. History has become one of the styles; historical representations blend with nostalgia.

"the disappearance of a sense of history, the way in which our entire contemporary social system has little by little begun to lose its capacity to retain its own past, has begun to live in a perpetual present and in a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve... The information function of the media would thus be to help us to forget, to serve as the very agents and mechanisms of our historical amnesia" (Jameson).